Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos . 1 39 AJUAQ'S MIGHTY MIKKO OF SKANDIA. NP420612/01. 01/04/2016. BREEDER: Patricia Land & Holly Horton & Valerie Horton. By Ch GCHG Mickywin's Mainio Skandia CGC THDN RATN-Ch Ajuaq N' Snofire Rockz Windz of Fire. OWNER: Peggy L Urton & Susan M Marshall.
Puppy Dogs 9 Mos & Under 12 Mos . 1 21 TOPAS SIRE OF STORM VALLEY. 3030667. 01/18/2016. BREEDER: J M M Smits-Croon. By Meskis Sava Giria-Kulta Neiti Of Storm Valley. OWNER: Lawrence Hyink.
Twelve To Eighteen Month Dogs . 1 27 BO-CO-PA'S TIMEKEEPER OF FIRESTORM. NP409445/02. 06/13/2015. BREEDER: Erika David & Sandi Smith & Shahntae Martinez. By Ch Pikkinokka's Kentucky Longshot-Gch Ch Bo-Co-Pa's Ain't She Tweet O'DV9K9. OWNER: Janet Schroeter.
Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs . 2 33 BO-CO-PA'S I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT!. NP409445/01. 06/13/2015. BREEDER: Erika David Sandi Smith & Shahntae Martinez. By Ch Pikkinokka's Kentucky Longshot-Ch GCH. Bo-Co-Pa's Ain't She Tweet O'DV9K9. OWNER: Erika David Sandi Smith & Shahntae Martinez.
1 37 AJUAQ'S WINDZ WILL ROCKZ U. NP420612/03. 01/04/2016. BREEDER: Pat Land & Holly & Valerie Horton. By GCh Ch Mickywins Mainio Skandia THDN CGC-GCh Ch Ajuaq N'Snofire Rockz Windz Of Fire. OWNER: Holly & Valerie Horton & Pat Land.
Open Dogs . 3 11 MAXASTA'S ISO POLKA. NP327320/02. 08/26/2012. BREEDER: R Rowdy Yates & Katherine Young. By Ch Maxasta's Max Jr-Ch Maxasta's Dreamcatcher Amour. OWNER: R Rowdt Yates & Robert Engelauf & Emily Landrum.
1/W 31 PIKKINOKKA'S WE ARE GOLDEN. NP417288/01. 02/27/2015. BREEDER: Mathilde Niquidet. By GCH CH DV9K9's Red Hot Star CA-Pikkinokka Gunsmokin Pixidust. OWNER: Lori Davis.
4 35 ICECAPS FIRE STORM OF MARBLEHILL. NP347789/02. 05/05/2013. BREEDER: Ernest Lloyd & Nancy Lloyd. By Ch Jayenn's Fire At Marblehill-Ch Icecaps That Girl CGC. OWNER: Ernest Lloyd Nancy Lloyd & Lisa Saari.
2/R 47 KUNNIAKAS BILLY WHIZZ. 1132813. 09/01/2010. BREEDER: I A S L L K Byrne. By Kunniakas Kovu-Kunniakas The Old Rag Doll. OWNER: Trish Andrews and Mathilde Niquidet.
2 10 PIKKINOKKA'S STAR POTION. CY650516. 12/27/2015. BREEDER: Mathilde NIquidet. By Ch DV9K9's Red Hot Star-Pikkinokka's Pixie Love Potion. OWNER: Michelle Leathers & Wendy Whiteley.
1/R/BPY 50 PIKKINOKKA'S STAR BEDAZZLED. CY650531. 12/27/2015. BREEDER: Mathilde Niquidet. By Ch DV9K9's Red Hot Star-Pikkinokka's Pixie Love Potion. OWNER: Joanne Bernhof.
Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches .
3 6 DV9K9 GOT SPITZ SMOKIN HOT PARTY GAL. NP413187/01. 09/21/2015. BREEDER: Michelle Leathers & April Bruce. By Ch Triscole Lokki-Dv9K9's Victorious Fox. OWNER: Wendy Whiteley & Michelle Leathers.
1 12 DV9K9'S SWEET RED APPLE. NP407855/02. 06/08/2015. BREEDER: Michelle Leathers and Jacqueline Aubut. By Ch TRISCOLE LOKKI-GCH CH ENCHANTED LADY IN WAITING. OWNER: Haleigh Aubut.
2 42 LAKSHMI. NP414636/01. 05/20/2015. BREEDER: Natalia Morozova. By Germes-Sukunimi's Miss Moneypenny. OWNER: Margaret Urton & L Langley & S Langley & J Langley.
Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches .
1/W/BW/BBY 14 DV9K9'S KUNNIAKAS UNIKKO. NP407855/03. 06/08/2015. BREEDER: Jacqueline Aubut & Michelle Leathers. By Ch Triscole Lokki-Ch Grand Champion DV9k9's Enchanted Lady in Waiti. OWNER: Michelle Leathers / Jacqueline Aubut.
4 24 VELVET HILLS TULI. NP374147/02. 06/26/2014. BREEDER: David Seaver & Mary Ellis. By Ch Veluet Hills Fisker Karma-Velvet HIlls Kachida. OWNER: David Seaver & Mary Ellis.
2 30 KLARJ'S SKANDIA MIELIKKI. NP408767/01. 08/08/2015. BREEDER: Kay & Joshua & Larry Hulstrom. By Gch Ch Mickywins Mainio Skandia CGC-Ch Klarj's Abbey The Red Hontress CGC. OWNER: Kay & Joshua & Larry Hulstrom.
3 32 KNIGHTSNO'S INDEPENDENT GAL "ODV9K9. NP432865/03. 03/20/2016. BREEDER: Michelle Leathers. By Queen's Don't Dring the Moonshine-CH DV9K9's Hypnotic Knight of Knightsno. OWNER: Lori K Davis.
A 38 AJUAQ'S ROCKZ TO WHIMZICAL WINDZ. NP420612/04. 01/04/2016. BREEDER: Pat Land & Holly & Valerie Horton. By GCh Ch Mickywins Mainio Skandia THDN CGC-GCh Ch Ajuaq N'Snofire Rockz Windz of Fire. OWNER: Holly & Valerie Horton & Pat Land.
46 PIKKINOKKA'S SMOKE 'N STARDUST. NP417288/02. 02/27/2015. BREEDER: owner. By Ch DV9K9's Red Hot Star-Pikkinokka Gunsmok'n Pixiedust. OWNER: Mathilde Niquidet.
Open Bitches .
3 22 VELVET HILLS SATIINI. NP181082/01. 10/19/2007. BREEDER: Mary Ellis & Joyce Standish & Regina Dianne Maxwel. By Ch Royal Touch's Prints Of Valor-Ch Maru's Vella Of The Ball V.H.. OWNER: Mary Ellis.
2 44 HANABI RIVERVIEW LEGACY. NP392200/01. 01/30/2015. BREEDER: Marsha Hall & Mark Heimbecker. By Pikkinokka's Hearts'N Flowers-Hanabi Flashing Star. OWNER: S Krupski M Hall B Richardson & M Heimbecker.
Veteran Dogs .
1/SEL/BVT 41 GCH CH GCHG MICKYWINS MAINIO SKANDIA THDN RATN CG. NP218395/01. 04/03/2008. BREEDER: Susan K Jones & Barbara A Tent. By Ch Jayenn's Mansikka O Royal Touch-Ch Jayenn's Dame Anastasia. OWNER: Peggy L Urton.
Veteran Bitches .
2 18 CH ICECAP ROYALTOUCH'S NORDIC PRINCESS. NP230453/03. 04/09/2009. BREEDER: Ernest Lloyd & Nancy Lloyd. By Ch Regal's Red Blue Mischief-Ch IceCap's Spice Girl. OWNER: Bethene Occhiuto.
3 26 CH JAYENN IHME'S HUNTRESS BAILEY. NP171957/01. 12/16/2006. BREEDER: Joan Grant & Leslie Carlson-Elliott. By Ch Jayenn's Vanolite Ihme-Ch Diana The Huntress. OWNER: Kay Hulstrom & Joshua Hulstrom.
1 34 CH ICECAPS THAT GIRL. NP230453/01. 04/09/2009. BREEDER: Owners ernest lloyd & nancy lloyd. By Ch Regal's Red Blue Mischief-Ch Icecaps Spice Girl. OWNER: Ernest & Nancy Lloyd.
A 48 PIKKINOKKA'S GLORIOUS 'N FREE. WL322239. 06/21/2009. BREEDER: owner. By Passbos Cozy Bosse-Pikkinokka's Strong 'n Free. OWNER: Mathilde Niquidet.
Best of Breed Competition .
AM 5 CH DV9K9'S TALVI LAHJA. NP365905/03. 12/24/2013. Dog. BREEDER: Michelle Leathers & April Bruce. By Ch DV9K9's Royal Star-Ch DV9K9's Dazzling Winter Wonderland. OWNER: Wendy Whiteley.
7 GCH CH VELVET HILLS TEPPO. NP224616/02. 03/01/2009. Dog. BREEDER: Mary Ellis. By Ch Pikkinokka's Out Of This World-Velvet Hills Golden Mint. OWNER: Bruce Salo.
15 GCH CH DV9K9'S RED HOT STAR CA. NP213497/01. 11/05/2008. Dog. BREEDER: M Leathers & S Leathers. By Gch Ch Regal's Red Blue Mischief-Ch Pauper's Ice Cap Pheonix. OWNER: Michelle Leathers.
19 CH KULTA ROYALTOUCH'S PRINTS OF RAIKOU. NP307536/02. 11/18/2011. Dog. BREEDER: Bethene Occhiuto. By Ch Royaltouch's Prints of Valor-Ch Icecap Royaltouch's Nordic Princess. OWNER: Bethene Occhiuto.
AM 23 CH GCH DV9K9'S BLAZING ELEMENT OF BO-CO-PA RN. NP259816/05. 05/15/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Michelle Leathers & Mary Ellis. By Ch GCH DV9K9'S Red Hot Star CA-Ch CH Velvet Hill's Koralli. OWNER: Logan Jenkins & Erika David.
SEL 28 CH KLARJ'S ABBEY THE RED HUNTRESS CGC. NP268971/05. 06/27/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Kay Hulstrom & Joan Grant & Leslie Carlson-Elliott. By Ch Jayenn's Chasing Thunder-Ch Jayenn's Ihme's Huntress Bailey. OWNER: Kay Hulstrom & Joshua Hulstrom & Larry C Hulstrom.
OS 36 CH ICECAPS GIRL ON FIRE OF MARBLEHILL. NP347789/01. 05/05/2013. Bitch. BREEDER: Ernest Lloyd & Nancy Lloyd. By Ch Jayenn's Fire At Marblehill-Ch Icecaps That Girl CGC. OWNER: Ernest Lloyd Nancy Lloyd & Lisa Saari.
43 CH GCH DV9K9'S I AM LEGENDARY @ BO CO PA. NP365905/01. 12/24/2013. Dog. BREEDER: Michelle Leathers & April Bruce. By Ch DV9K9's Royal Star-Ch DV9K9's Dazzling Winter Wonderland. OWNER: Erika David.
BB 45 CH GCHB KUNNIAKAS WHIZZ BANG WALLOP. NP359755/01. 09/04/2010. Dog. BREEDER: I Bynes A Byrne S Byrne L Byrne K Byrne. By Ch Kunniakas Kovu-Ch Kunniakas The Old Rag Doll. OWNER: S Krupski & B Krupski & M Hall & B Richardson.
AM 49 CH PIKKINOKKA'S KENTUCKY LONGSHOT. NP399502/01. 03/15/2012. Dog. BREEDER: owner. By Pikkinokka's Bang Fer Yer Buck-Pikkinokka's Glorious 'n Free. OWNER: Mathilde Niquidet.
A 51 GCH CH AJUAQ N' SNOFIRE RED ROCKZ AND BLUE. NP307161/01. 11/20/2011. Dog. BREEDER: Holly & Valerie Horton & A Bruce. By Gch Ch Regal's Red Blue Mischief RATN-Gch Ch Pikkinokka's This Girl Rockz NAJ BN RA. OWNER: Holly & Valerie Horton.
52 GCH CH BO-CO-PA'S AIN'T SHE TWEET O'DV9K9. NP327700/01. 06/29/2012. Bitch. BREEDER: Erika David & Henry Mak. By Gch Ch Dv9k9's Royal Star-Ch Velvet Hills Razzmatazz. OWNER: Erika David & Michelle Leather & Shahntae Martinez.
54 GCH CH AJUAQ N SNOFIRE ROCKZ WINDZ OF FIRE. NP307161/04. 11/20/2011. Bitch. BREEDER: Holly & Valerie Horton & A Bruce. By Gch Ch Regal's Red Blue Mischief-Gch Ch Pikkinokka's This Girl Rockz NAJ BN RA. OWNER: Pat Land & Holly & Valerie Horton.
Stud Dog . 1 (15)GCH CH DV9K9'S RED HOT STAR CA. NP213497/01. 11/05/2008. Dog. BREEDER: M Leathers & S Leathers. By Gch Ch Regal's Red Blue Mischief-Ch Pauper's Ice Cap Pheonix. OWNER: Michelle Leathers.
4 29CH REGAL'S RED BLUE MISCHIEF. NP016172/03. 12/05/2002. Dog. BREEDER: Renia & Danielle Pollard. By Ch Royal Touches Prints of Valor-Ch Royal Touches Heavenly Haley. OWNER: Danielle Pollard.
A (31) PIKKINOKKA'S WE ARE GOLDEN. NP417288/01. 02/27/2015. Dog. BREEDER: Mathilde Niquidet. By GCH CH DV9K9's Red Hot Star CA-Pikkinokka Gunsmokin Pixidust. OWNER: Lori Davis.
3 (41) GCH CH GCHG MICKYWINS MAINIO SKANDIA THDN RATN CG. NP218395/01. 04/03/2008. Dog. BREEDER: Susan K Jones & Barbara A Tent. By Ch Jayenn's Mansikka O Royal Touch-Ch Jayenn's Dame Anastasia. OWNER: Peggy L Urton.
2 (49) CH PIKKINOKKA'S KENTUCKY LONGSHOT. NP399502/01. 03/15/2012. Dog. BREEDER: owner. By Pikkinokka's Bang Fer Yer Buck-Pikkinokka's Glorious 'n Free. OWNER: Mathilde Niquidet.
Brood Bitch .
1 (26) CH JAYENN IHME'S HUNTRESS BAILEY. NP171957/01. 12/16/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Joan Grant & Leslie Carlson-Elliott. By Ch Jayenn's Vanolite Ihme-Ch Diana The Huntress. OWNER: Kay Hulstrom & Joshua Hulstrom.
1/BJH 751 Shahntae Martinez.46501949004. . GCH CH BO-CO-PA'S AIN'T SHE TWEET O'DV9K9. NP327700/01. 06/29/2012. Bitch. Finnish Spitz. Breeder: Erika David & Henry Mak. By Gch Ch Dv9k9's Royal Star-Ch Velvet Hills Razzmatazz. Owner: Erika David & Michelle Leather & Shahntae Martinez,
Puppy Sweepstakes JUDGE: Mrs Pamela B Peat
Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos .
1/OSS (37) AJUAQ'S WINDZ WILL ROCKZ U. NP420612/03. 01/04/2016. BREEDER: Pat Land & Holly & Valerie Horton. By GCh Ch Mickywins Mainio Skandia THDN CGC-GCh Ch Ajuaq N'Snofire Rockz Windz Of Fire. OWNER: Holly & Valerie Horton & Pat Land.
2 (39) AJUAQ'S MIGHTY MIKKO OF SKANDIA. NP420612/01. 01/04/2016. BREEDER: Patricia Land & Holly Horton & Valerie Horton. By Ch GCHG Mickywin's Mainio Skandia CGC THDN RATN-Ch Ajuaq N' Snofire Rockz Windz of Fire. OWNER: Peggy L Urton & Susan M Marshall. FINNISH SPITZ, Junior Dogs 12 Mos & Under 18 mos .
1 (27) BO-CO-PA'S TIMEKEEPER OF FIRESTORM. NP409445/02. 06/13/2015. BREEDER: Erika David & Sandi Smith & Shahntae Martinez. By Ch Pikkinokka's Kentucky Longshot-Gch Ch Bo-Co-Pa's Ain't She Tweet O'DV9K9. OWNER: Janet Schroeter.
Puppy Bitches 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos .
2 (32) KNIGHTSNO'S INDEPENDENT GAL "ODV9K9. NP432865/03. 03/20/2016. BREEDER: Michelle Leathers. By Queen's Don't Dring the Moonshine-CH DV9K9's Hypnotic Knight of Knightsno. OWNER: Lori K Davis.
1 (38) AJUAQ'S ROCKZ TO WHIMZICAL WINDZ. NP420612/04. 01/04/2016. BREEDER: Pat Land & Holly & Valerie Horton. By GCh Ch Mickywins Mainio Skandia THDN CGC-GCh Ch Ajuaq N'Snofire Rockz Windz of Fire. OWNER: Holly & Valerie Horton & Pat Land.
1/BSS (10) PIKKINOKKA'S STAR POTION. CY650516. 12/27/2015. BREEDER: Mathilde NIquidet. By Ch DV9K9's Red Hot Star-Pikkinokka's Pixie Love Potion. OWNER: Michelle Leathers & Wendy Whiteley.
2 (50) PIKKINOKKA'S STAR BEDAZZLED. CY650531. 12/27/2015. BREEDER: Mathilde Niquidet. By Ch DV9K9's Red Hot Star-Pikkinokka's Pixie Love Potion. OWNER: Joanne Bernhof.
Junior Bitches 12 Mos & Under 18 mos .
3 (6) DV9K9 GOT SPITZ SMOKIN HOT PARTY GAL. NP413187/01. 09/21/2015. BREEDER: Michelle Leathers & April Bruce. By Ch Triscole Lokki-Dv9K9's Victorious Fox. OWNER: Wendy Whiteley & Michelle Leathers.
1 (12) DV9K9'S SWEET RED APPLE. NP407855/02. 06/08/2015. BREEDER: Michelle Leathers and Jacqueline Aubut. By Ch TRISCOLE LOKKI-GCH CH ENCHANTED LADY IN WAITING. OWNER: Haleigh Aubut.
2 (14) DV9K9'S KUNNIAKAS UNIKKO. NP407855/03. 06/08/2015. BREEDER: Jacqueline Aubut & Michelle Leathers. By Ch Triscole Lokki-Ch Grand Champion DV9k9's Enchanted Lady in Waiti. OWNER: Michelle Leathers / Jacqueline Aubut.
4 (30) KLARJ'S SKANDIA MIELIKKI. NP408767/01. 08/08/2015. BREEDER: Kay & Joshua & Larry Hulstrom. By Gch Ch Mickywins Mainio Skandia CGC-Ch Klarj's Abbey The Red Hontress CGC. OWNER: Kay & Joshua & Larry Hulstrom.
1/BSV (41) GCH CH GCHG MICKYWINS MAINIO SKANDIA THDN RATN CG. NP218395/01. 04/03/2008. BREEDER: Susan K Jones & Barbara A Tent. By Ch Jayenn's Mansikka O Royal Touch-Ch Jayenn's Dame Anastasia. OWNER: Peggy L Urton.
Veteran Sweepstakes Bitches 7 Yrs & Under 10 Yrs .
2 (18) CH ICECAP ROYALTOUCH'S NORDIC PRINCESS. NP230453/03. 04/09/2009. BREEDER: Ernest Lloyd & Nancy Lloyd. By Ch Regal's Red Blue Mischief-Ch IceCap's Spice Girl. OWNER: Bethene Occhiuto.
1/OSV (26) CH JAYENN IHME'S HUNTRESS BAILEY. NP171957/01. 12/16/2006. BREEDER: Joan Grant & Leslie Carlson-Elliott. By Ch Jayenn's Vanolite Ihme-Ch Diana The Huntress. OWNER: Kay Hulstrom & Joshua Hulstrom.
3 (34) CH ICECAPS THAT GIRL. NP230453/01. 04/09/2009. BREEDER: Owners ernest lloyd & nancy lloyd. By Ch Regal's Red Blue Mischief-Ch Icecaps Spice Girl. OWNER: Ernest & Nancy Lloyd.
1 (22) VELVET HILLS SATIINI. NP181082/01. 10/19/2007. BREEDER: Mary Ellis & Joyce Standish & Regina Dianne Maxwel. By Ch Royal Touch's Prints Of Valor-Ch Maru's Vella Of The Ball V.H.. OWNER: Mary Ellis.
1 (24) VELVET HILLS TULI. NP374147/02. 06/26/2014. BREEDER: David Seaver & Mary Ellis. By Ch Veluet Hills Fisker Karma-Velvet HIlls Kachida. OWNER: David Seaver & Mary Ellis.
1 25 CH VELVET HILLS FISKER KARMA. NP235197/03. 06/25/2009. BREEDER: Mary Ellis. By Ch Maru's All That Jazz VH-Velvet Hills Satiini. OWNER: Mary Ellis & David Seaver.